Generation Toy GT-3 OP-EX


This was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment pre-order from a while back that come release day I wasn’t hugely excited about, if I’m honest. But I’m enjoying him a lot in hand. There are some peculiar design elements – very few ratchets, slightly unusual plastic (feels like DX9, but thinner). The transformation has a little more panel forming than I’d like, too, and as a result is a bit fiddly (although nowhere near, say, Toyworld Primorion levels). But he tidies up very nicely in both modes. The light-up eyes are great (although dead looking when off or in bright light) and he’s got a lot of character.


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So, so stupid


You know that thing where you take a punt on a Transformer you’ve been eyeing for a while, and you don’t really know what to expect, and then it turns up and it’s just an absolute delight? Well, I missed the boat initially on both of the Takara TAV Optimus Primes. However, I saw both the vanilla and the Supreme versions on Chimungmung recently and took a punt on the pricier one. And he’s glorious! He’s absurd, obviously, and in no way fit for a TF Prime collection due to the obscene size. But he’ll make the most joyous of additions to one of my Optimus shelves.

I take particular delight in the way you think the roof of the cab is missing, but then the feet swing all the way from the bottom to the top to complete it. Fittingly ridiculous. God, I love it.

(And props to Chimungmung – he was only dispatched late last week owing to Chinese New Year and he’s here today, complete with a complimentary emblem sheet).


Hasbro Masterpiece Shattered Glass MP-10 Optimus Prime



I’m probably not going to have time to write a review on this one. In short: He’s MP-10, so he’s great. At the same time it’s not as premium as it might be, and arguably the colour choices on the KO Shattered Glass are better, even if the build quality is almost definitely not. The lack of chrome on the grill and stacks is a shame. Still, I would give this 4 or 4.5 Stars, probably. It’s still awesome. Although not as awesome as that new Black Camo Bape MP-10, which the last time I checked was £380+ on eBay. FFS. Wow, these short reviews are a piece of piss! Time to re-write the style guide.

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