Transformers and World Building


Here’s a snippet (by me) from a wider conversation about the current plot/direction of IDW’s Lost Light Transformers comic series. It’s a subject close to my heart for reasons that hopefully I’ll be able to divulge at some point in the who-knows-when-or-if future:

“Typically is most fiction the ‘bad’ guys are characterised by the oppressive rulers – think The Empire/First Order from Star Wars, to name one of countless examples. The ‘good’ guys, meanwhile, are the freedom fighters (Rebels/Resistance) who seek to assert individuality. On that reading, in a lot of TF fictions the Autobots are the establishment elite and the Decepticons fight for freedom from that rule. In the case of Transformers there are of course a thousand other nuances which upend this argument, although none of that presents a big a problem as the fact that what each side is actually fighting for is frequently vague and undefined. These things, however, are definitely a problem that Roberts has identified and attempted to tackle, at least from what I have read.

“And spot on about the robots being humanised – always have been, and have to be really. Which again leads to another problem. With humanisation comes the natural veer towards human problems – relationships, procreation, mortality. None of which is addressed by the basic TF narrative model. I personally find it impossible to conjure a compelling TF universe that, as a result, doesn’t take all of these elements into account and try and construct the universe around them. Which is actually ideal as it gives the writer tremendous freedoms to sculpt something original that serves whatever their narrative goals may be.”

2017’s Top 10 Transformers


2017 was fucking grim, right? Britain is needlessly tearing itself apart over a vote cast on the back of lies, hate and ignorance, and America has already torn itself apart after the victory of that vacuous idiot and his hollow rhetoric. So let’s take a moment to celebrate the little joys the last 12 months have offered us, shall we? There was PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, for one. And the #metoo movement. And BBC’s Taboo. And more Detectorists. And that Anansi scene from American Gods. Robot Wars was great this year too, eh? And a female Doctor! And that fight in The Last Jedi! And dogs! And a shit load of great Transformers.

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REVIEW: Takara MP-36 Masterpiece Megatron


Sooooo, the big one! I’m trying to recall if I’ve ever been as hyped for a release as I am for this. It was the lure of a ‘proper’ Masterpiece Megatron – Apollyon, in that instance – that drew me back into Transformers collecting. MP-10 had survived the purge, and I just knew I needed Apollyon to stand alongside him.

Of course, as it transpired, Apollyon was shambolic. In the time that has followed, however, two worthy MP Megatrons have been released. DX9 Mightron was very decent, but Maketoys Despotron was the one that stole my heart. He got 5 Stars from me just last week. Could Takara ever hope to better such a mighty fine figure? Well, let’s be honest – the early coverage of MP-36 wasn’t promising, was it?

MP26 (16)

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REVIEW: Five 5 Out of 5s? My Overdue Maketoys Roundup


I don’t know when it dawned on me. I think it was when I was bigging up Maketoys AGAIN in one of my reviews. I’m kinda desperate to award my first 5 Star review, and I found myself trying to remember what score I’d given my Maketoys figures. Then the cold truth struck me – I’ve not reviewed any of them! And in the one semi-review I did, a Spotter vs Visualizers write-up, I ruled in favour of Fanstoys!


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REVIEW: Toyworld TW-M07 Spaceracer


My experience with Toyworld until now has been limited to the recent not-MP10 Primorion, which arrived in my early 2017 downtime and thus avoided review. But I’ll tell you now, I wouldn’t have been especially kind. Both modes look great, but the transformation is just horrendous, and there’s an inherent awkwardness to the bot. He would have been 3 stars, max. If he were any character other than Optimus he’d be off my shelf. So it probably goes without saying that my expectations for Spaceracer were tempered at best.


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REVIEW: Fanstoys FT-10 Phoenix


Thanks to the very kind people at Kapow, I’ve been lucky enough to get some hands-on time with one of Fanstoys’ most anticipated upcoming releases, FT-10 Phoenix. A couple of peeps in the collecting circles I move in rubbed their hands with glee at the news, I think in preparation for an anticipated mauling. Well, there’s good news and bad news…


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REVIEW: MMC Ocular Max PS-06 Terraegis


Oh what times are these when marginal characters such as Trailbreaker can be subject to third party toy wars. MMC’s Terraegis finds itself up against Badcube’s Speedbump for the place on your shelf you’re keeping warm for an official version, should we ever see it. Or could it be, we whisper to ourselves in darkened corners, that one of the would-be Trailbreakers is actually an is-be Trailbreaker? Yes, we’re kicking off 2017 with the very worst in word play.


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